Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Fam

I am the youngest of three children, and the spoiled stereotype of being the youngest was true for quite some time; probably until I got my big girl job a few years ago. My family is seriously the best, a lot of people dread family get togethers, but I actually quite enjoy them. My mom’s side is really small, I only have one cousin, but my dad’s side is huge, it would take me a few minutes to count my cousins, he has 6 brothers and sisters, all of whom have at least 3 children if not more and some of them have children too. So those family parties are a really good time. My older siblings are a brother, the oldest, and a sister, the middle child.

My brother and I have a good relationship, although it was much closer when we were kids. My mom always told us that I was his little buddy and best friend and he wanted to play with me all the time back then. But as the years go by and we became teenagers we drifted in closeness, but you know, we’re family, so we still love each other. We did have a small falling out one time where he threw a drink in my face and I swung on him. It’s funny to look back because he was twice my size and made me look like a total weakling, and being the sweetheart he is, he apologized 10 minutes later even though both of us were just drunk and wrong. He’s a really good guy and has had some troubles in the past and some shitty friends and people who aren’t very nice to him just because he’s a little naive and kind. Boy if you knew one thing about me you’d know I’m like a pit bull for my brother; I want to straight up hurt and flip out on anyone who’s ever mean to him. Moving on…
Heres a pretty old pic of the sibs and Me (im on the right)
My sister and I also have a good relationship, we don’t have the most in common or the closest relationship but she is someone I have always looked up to and admired. She has always been a straight genius, 4.0 student, graduated from the University of Michigan with her Bachelors in Chemistry with a Minor in Spanish; is about to graduate from the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and she has been married to the first love of her life for over three years now. Oh did I forget to mention how gorgeous she is? Tall, long legs, blond hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth. She has accomplished so much and proved to me that you really can accomplish anything you want to; you just have to work hard at it. I wish I had her drive though. I have wasted a lot of life being lazy and just dreaming and wishing for things instead of getting out there and going after what I want. So just her presence and daily accomplishments are great reminders for me, we lived together so seeing her achieve her goals is really helping me want to try harder to achieve mine.

My parents are two of the greatest parents out there. My dad is like a saint, the kindest man I know of, but I’m biased, he’s my pops and I’m a total daddy’s girl. I call him handy man Vince sometimes because he literally knows how to fix everything and has helped countless people fix their shit instead of having to pay for a company to come do it. He’s also the type to stop for people on the side of the road and help, just a stand up guy. But you know what they say: “Don’t marry a man unless you’d be proud to have a son exactly like him.” Well I think my ma got it right there.  Not to say I’m not actually closer with my mom than my dad, and I love my mom just as much!! She is my best friend; I tell her more than I tell anyone, even my therapist and best friends! Not that she appreciates being told everything, there are some things that are not necessary to tell her, like my wild partying, but I think it’s kind of funny lol. She was the first person I called after my MIP and she wasn’t even furious with me, do you know what a load off that is when your parent isn’t ready to kill you when you mess up? I think her description is that after the first two kids she cared a little less about certain things. This surprises me sometimes because I think I might be her biggest challenge. My brother had his days but they were short lived in his teenage years. I’ve been a crazy depressed, semi-bipolar monster since I was 12 and it hasn’t stopped in 13 years. Thanks mom, for loving me unconditionally.

Lastly our dogs, mom and dad have two miniature schnauzers, Maverick and Molly. My sister and her hub have two dogs as well, a tea cup miniature schnauzer, Chloe and a boxer/lab mix, Henrik/Hank. Our first family dog was Sergei, another minature schnauzer (we have a thing for schnauzers and the Detroit Red Wings, so what?) but he passed on a few years ago and mom got Mav and Mol with me, Maverick threw up on me the first day we got him, poor little nervous nelly he is. But my favorite, and I shouldn’t play favorites, is Hank. He is a big old ball of love. He knows he can’t jump on people so his ways of giving affection are leaning his whole body weight on you, or leaning his head into your hug if you kneel down to hug him. It melts my heart when he does that, he even knows when I’m sad. He will walk over if I’m crying and put his head in my lap and just stare and wag his tail, like don’t be sad KC, whats there to be sad about, life is about toys and sleeping and love!!
This is Sergei and Me, Chrismas time a few years ago        This is Molly and Maverick :)

And my little roomate nuggets, Chloe and Hank! :)
Hope you all enjoyed a slightly shorter, less serious post. I hope to get into more recent stuff soon, finally getting past the life story so far moments.

As always, feel free to comment, and/or leave requests for what you’d like to read about.

Have a wonderful day yall!! J

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