Tuesday, January 22, 2013


So I had to post two posts in one day because the workout blog I wrote a week ago and forgot to post! Woops! Proud to say I’ve made some progress since then, even lost a couple pounds J

I didn’t start the week off great in terms of exercise but I didn’t eat any fast food! That’s what this month is going to be, no fast food January, and I did eff up once on girls night with some Taco Bell, so sue me, we all do it. But I did eventually make it to the gym; Weds, Thurs and Fri! A Friday workout is impressive for me, I’m very social and love to go out and it would take me extra-long to get ready if I go to the gym. I would’ve liked to go Saturday and Sunday but the social life a.k.a too tired after a long night of partying took over.

I’ve hated lifting at the gym lately; all the New Year’s resolutioners are there, takin up all my machines, frustrating me. But hey I can’t be upset when people are in there bettering themselves just like I’m trying to. But anyways I’ve been doing just little things at home in terms of lifting before I head to the gym to run. I usually find good workouts on Pinterest and I also know a thing or two from playing sports when I was younger, they always made you train and workout.

One feat I am very proud of lately is the increase in stamina I’ve had while running. I talked about running in my last post and forgot to mention a really big accomplishment, at least for me. I ran for 10 minutes straight! 20 total. That is a friggin miracle for this asthmatic smoker. And I’ll do ya one better, that happened weeks ago, and last night, I ran for 15 minutes straight, 30 total. Steppin my game up folks, and very proud of me. I’ve even been losing, wavering between 165/160 for a week, please oh please body and mind give me the strength to keep this up and see my results!

Now in terms of music and how I get myself going, because I don’t know about you, but I need some good jams to keep me going, I need more music. I already have two play lists called “workout” and “running” and they consist of mostly rock, techno and a little rap. I bet I could go longer/harder if I had more of a variety to listen to, definitely open to some suggestions, I like music with a beat so I have something to keep my legs going with, I can’t just run to anything, gotta be fast paced.

I was looking for pictures to do the before and after and at 185 I obviously didn’t have to many pictures taken of me, not where it’s very clear or where I look awful, but you know what it’s like to feel awful and that is enough. I know most people put up pictures in sports bras and stuff to show the big change but I don’t have any of those, not from 20 pounds ago at least, I do have a bikini pic but looking at it, I feel lame saying I look bad because there are people who would probably like to look like that, but for me I was really unhappy with my looks at that point in time, I still am but have made some progress I should be proud of.  I also happen to just carry my weight really well but the number on the scale kills me, maybe I need to just remember better that muscle weighs more than fat, I just need to get rid of the fat. So here’s the 185 pictures, I will try and get one from 165/now a.s.a.p. for you guys, the whole less clothing shebang too.
Side note I didn’t know shebang was a real word until just now, how funny.

Well thanks for tuning in; I promise to keep up with this thing. Keep me accountable tho guys, I need you! Hope yall have a wonderful day!

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