Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No Fast Food January

So the working out has been going decently, I still haven’t gotten in there as much as I would like. I’ve been discouraged by all the New Year’s resolutioners, which is bad because I should be encouraged by them and encouraging them. It’s crazy that despite the large ware house style gym I attend; there are not enough machines for everyone. Okay, well maybe there are but all I ever want is a treadmill, running has helped me tone up the most to date. Apparently everyone else knows my secret too.

I have a hard time lifting free weights because that’s like the “guys” section. I think I even have a hard time with the machines because they’re right in front of everyone on the cardio machines, everyone staring at you. I guess they probably do on the treadmill too but thankfully I can’t see behind me. So obviously what we can all gather from this is I have a confidence issue, I don’t like to be looked at, and it makes me all self-conscious.  I could really use some tips on how to power through and just do it, other than who gives a shit what other people think. Well, me, that’s why I’m saying this, I can’t just change my thought process at the drop of a hat, believe me I would if I could.

There is definitely something to that not caring what people think theory though. It has gotten me through a few other things in life, like learning to be my truest self, so why can’t it get me through this? Why am I so shy at the gym to look stupid yet I don’t care in most other daily situations? There’s not too many ways around this fear other than A. working out at home, which I only own 10lb free weights and a yoga mat, although I do know you can do body weight exercises at home, and B. Just getting the eff over it, I mean really, I’m supposed to be a grown adult and I can’t lift weights in fear of looking dumb? Maybe a gym buddy would help, but I think most people are just as clueless as me and I don’t want to be the leader of that pack. I kinda miss my gym buddy who was a guy who knew everything, that didn’t last long though, our work shifts were just different and he lived a little far away for us to commute to each other. Any who.

So, why not workout at home with the body weight exercises. Man I have an excuse for everything I swear, maybe that’s my problem. Well there’s just not room, my room is too small, I have roommates always using the common rooms and the basement is the dog fortress and grosses me out too much. There is a tiny room with an elliptical and no dog piss scent; maybe that will do. That’s it, by golly; just by writing today I have figured out how to solve that problem. I didn’t think I had space, but really I was just looking for an excuse not to work out. Not tonight.

The parents are coming over for dinner tonight so I will probably skip the gym itself but try and get a workout in at home, in the tiny basement room. Maybe I’ll even try a short run outside because it’s so nice. Idk though, my knee started acting up last night while running and I’ve never felt that way before, it even hurt when I  was walking. So I read if something hurts, rest it two days and if it still hurts rest more, if a few weeks in it still hurts it’s time to see a doctor. So for me, I think it doesn’t hurt while walking much at all today, let’s try a run tonight, maybe not my best idea but when I get in an exercise groove I try not to leave it.

So I’m proud to say it’s the second to last day of January and I succeeded in only effing up “No Fast Food January” once! Yay me! And Damn Taco Bell/Girls Night! I’m also proud to say that even though I’m still stuck between 160-165 lbs. I haven’t gone back up to 165 at all so I’m hoping I’m slowly but surely losing some weight! Next month will be a hard one to choose what to give up, my dad usually gives up alcohol for lent no problem but I’m a social butterfly who likes to have a good time, so that’s not realistic at all. Neither is giving up something I don’t have very often at all, like soda (maybe I shouldn’t have chosen fast food because I don’t eat much of that either) That’s my problem, I eat everything in moderation so I don’t think I have a diet problem, but it’s obviously whatever I’m eating is just not compatible with my metabolism. I digress. So next month I should try sweets, all of them, no desserts, no chocolates, and no ice creams. So February = No Dessert February. Try it with me, or maybe you can try no fast food February, that would’ve sounded better. Damn.

Well thanks for tuning in my loves, hopefully in a few days I’ll have some more good news for you, cross your fingers I can finally drop below 160, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen anything below that so I will be pretty darn excited.

Have a wonderful day everyone! J

1 comment:

  1. No matter what level of physical fitness anyone in a particular gym is at, one thing that everyone has in common self improvement. So I think your feeling is mutually shared throughout the gym. I do not think there is a person that to some extent does not want to know how others are thinking of them. But the only way to truly know if someone is looking at you is to be returning the eye contact. So instead you could try focusing on your workout: controlled breaths, proper form, or focus on the music you are listening to...etc. If that does not help if your gym has a pool then swimming is easily the best cardio you can do for your body, as well as a full body toner. That and the sauna are the extent of my gym membership. Not to mention barring the lifeguard the only other people that are ever in the pool are like 90, and they often have really funny jokes and stories. I have a few pool workouts I can give to you as well as a few body weight exercise routines that work really well. But as long as you are bettering yourself for you and not for others, if you come out of the gym feeling like you did work that is a step on the path to achieving what you want. Also use that yoga mat in the morning there are a lot of poses that release some i feel awesome feelings inside your body! and if you walk in with a good attitude it will spill over into your workout. Good Job on your current progress by the way.
