Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Weightloss Journey Begins

Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s get this thing started…time for the weight loss portion of the blog to begin! Firstly I have no idea what the heck I’m doing here as to outlining my workouts and nutrition and what not so maybe I’ll talk about planning before the beginning of posts. I mean I know how to work out and what works for me so that’s good, but I want to be one of those super gym freaks who goes almost every day of the week and maps out workouts and foods and snacks, it will benefit me and hopefully others to stick with it.

So far I just eat decently healthy, mostly home cooked meals with the occasional dining out or fast food and workout a few times a week if that. My workouts used to be better; I would do cardio for half an hour then lift a few weights. Now I just do cardio for an hour and feel tired and stretch, do abs then go home. I want the energy to be able to push; I want to be motivated to keep going. I need to sculpt my other muscles because I don’t want to become “skinny fat” which happens to runners who don’t exercise other muscle groups, they just run, which I’ve been doing. Oops!

I will say though, running has done tremendous things for me. We all know it’s great for you but let me just tell you my personal story so far because it even inspires me.

I never could run, my whole life; I have asthma. When I was young before I ruined my lungs with tobacco and whacky tabacky I still couldn’t run, not for long periods of time, I just get so winded. Then as an older person with my bad habits it was still really hard. I have learned to push through, and because of it I have learned most of what was holding me back was mental. Don’t get me wrong asthma is a real disease and will prohibit some physical activities, but I shouldn’t have used it as an excuse for as long as I have, it was really just me being out of shape.

So why do I love running now? Firstly, I have a huge cellulite problem, sometimes its genetic, others is from poor diet and exercise habits, or both; for me I think it’s both. But my cellulite has cleared up considerably since I started running a few months ago. And my legs, oh my stars my legs; I have hated them since forever, they’re thick, I have borderline cankles (even though everyone says I don’t, I hate them). Can you see where I get my self-hatred from? Haha My legs have looked thinner and better and more defined than they ever have in my whole life and I hope that continues. I just need to keep at it and get in there.

Diet you say? That is probably where I need the most improvement because health is 80% diet and 20% fitness. I can run all I want and still be a heffer eating McD’s all day (thankfully I do not do that). I live with my sister and her hub, who incidentally loves to cook, and I feel that homemade meals are healthier for you, even if it’s not the healthiest meal, it’s better than pizza or fast food right? So I eat that a lot, and on lunch I try to eat like lean quizines and soups, I check calories on a lot of things but am not the greatest at portioning. So my diet overall need improvement and I think I’ve got a few jump starts as to how.

Firstly my sister and her hub did this great thing last year where every month they gave up something; i.e. no pizza November, no desert December.. Etc. I think I’m going to have no fast food January, and I’ll give up something every month, like alcohol, deserts, certain food types, along with maintaining a good workout regimen. I also find when I stopped drinking as much it helped a lot, but we all know that’s how it goes with alcohol; empty calories.

So that’s the gist of it, what the plan is, I’ll keep you guys updated with my weekly workout schedule and what I eat and great music that gets me motivated. Oh and don’t you worry ill post before and after pics. I’ll post some from when I was 185 down to now: 165 and I’ll do pictures when I reach noticeable goal weights J

Thanks for stopping in, hope you check out the next post, weight loss journey, here we come!

Have a wonderful day!

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